Our Services

Launch Services

Experience a seamless podcast launch journey tailored to your vision. Our comprehensive package covers every aspect, from expert equipment recommendations to inventive marketing strategies. We craft a meticulously planned launch to ensure your podcast captivates audiences from the get-go. With personalized guidance and a keen focus on impact, together we’ll achieve a powerful debut that elevates your owned media presence.

Podcast Production

We specialize in refining your audio to provide the best possible listener experience. Our tailored audio production services cater to all your post-production requirements, and with 3,419 hours on production saved for hosts (and counting!) our work allows you to channel your energy into what you do best - crafting fresh and exciting content for your podcast.

Podcast Marketing

You are creating an amazing show, but listeners are having trouble finding it. We’v heard it before. Get the most out of the work you’re putting into your show by using our comprehensive suite of marketing tools and expertise. From a detailed organic social and SEO plan to a comprehensive paid media funnel, our adept creative team provides everything necessary for effective promotion across platforms, wherever your audience is.

Monetization Support

Unlock the potential for monetizing your podcast by joining our network. We provide dedicated support and proven strategies to help you capitalize on your content. From targeted advertising opportunities to sponsorship connections and innovative revenue streams, our network offers the guidance and resources essential for maximizing your podcast's earning potential.

Enterprise Podcasting

As podcasting gains momentum, businesses and nonprofits alike are embracing its unique potential to engage customers, employees, and donors effectively. Trout Stream Studios offers end-to-end solutions tailored for organizations seeking to leverage this powerful platform. From inception to recording and seamless distribution, our comprehensive services guide brands through every phase of their podcasting journey.

Creative Development

Content is king. So elevate listener engagement and captivate your audience with our specialized creative consulting services tailored for podcasts. Engaging a seasoned producer offers invaluable insights and strategies to enhance the listener experience of your show, from storytelling techniques and format optimization to audience interaction tactics.

Great content deserves exceptional delivery